Англійські фразові дієслова є важливою частиною повсякденного спілкування і часто становлять виклик для тих, хто вивчає мову. Ці комбінації дієслова з однією або кількома частками (прийменниками чи прислівниками) можуть значно змінити значення дієслова. Опановуючи їх, ви можете суттєво покращити свою мовленнєву плавність. Нижче ми розглядаємо деякі поширені фразові дієслова разом із їхніми значеннями та прикладами.
Break Down – Перестати працювати (для машин) або втратити емоційний контроль (для людей).
- The car broke down on the highway, so we had to call a tow truck.
- During the meeting, she broke down and started crying.
- The computer system broke down due to a power surge.
Bring Up – Піднімати тему для обговорення або доглядати за дитиною до дорослого віку.
- She brought up an interesting point during the discussion.
- It’s not easy to bring up children as a single parent.
- Let’s not bring up past mistakes; let’s focus on the future.
Call Off – Скасувати захід або зустріч.
- The manager decided to call off the meeting due to bad weather.
- They had to call off the wedding because of unforeseen circumstances.
- The search for the missing hiker was called off after three days.
Catch Up – Надолужити прогаяне або обмінятись новинами.
- After missing two weeks of school, he struggled to catch up with his classmates.
- Let’s meet for coffee and catch up on everything we’ve missed.
- I need to catch up on my reading before the exam.
Come Across – Натрапити на щось випадково або справляти враження.
- I came across an old photo album while cleaning the attic.
- He comes across as a very confident person.
- While browsing online, I came across a great deal on flights.
Get Along – Мати дружні відносини з кимось.
- My siblings and I get along really well despite our differences.
- Do you get along with your new coworkers?
- They found it hard to get along at first, but now they’re good friends.
Give Up – Зупинитися, перестати намагатися щось зробити або здатись.
- Never give up on your dreams, no matter how hard it gets.
- After hours of searching, they gave up and went home.
- He decided to give up smoking for the sake of his health.
Look After – Доглядати за кимось або чимось.
- Could you look after my dog while I’m away?
- She looks after her elderly parents with great dedication.
- The nurse is looking after the patients in the ward.
Put Off – Відкласти щось на пізніше або викликати відразу.
- We had to put off the trip due to heavy rain.
- The strange smell in the room really put me off my lunch.
- Don’t put off your homework until the last minute.
Take Up – Розпочати заняття чимось новим або зайняти місце чи час.
- She’s taken up yoga to improve her flexibility.
- This couch takes up too much space in the living room.
- He decided to take up painting as a hobby.
Turn Down – Відхилити пропозицію або знизити гучність.
- He turned down the job offer because the salary wasn’t high enough.
- Could you please turn down the music? It’s too loud.
- She turned down the invitation to the party because she had other plans.
Run Out Of – Закінчитися (про запаси).
- We ran out of milk, so I’ll have to go to the store.
- She ran out of patience waiting for the train.
- They’ve run out of ideas for the marketing campaign.
Work Out – Займатись фізичним навантаженням або знайти рішення проблеми.
- He works out at the gym every morning before work.
- We need to work out a plan to solve this issue.
- Everything worked out well in the end despite the challenges.
Look Forward To – Чекати з нетерпінням.
- I’m really looking forward to the concert next week.
- She looks forward to visiting her grandparents during the holidays.
- He is looking forward to starting his new job.
Pass Out – Знепритомніти.
- He passed out from the heat during the marathon.
- She nearly passed out after hearing the shocking news.
- The doctor said he passed out due to dehydration.
Pick Up – Підняти щось або вивчити щось нове.
- Can you pick up the groceries on your way home?
- He picked up a few words of Spanish while traveling.
- The baby started crying as soon as she was picked up.
Set Up – Організувати або встановлювати.
- They set up a new company to market their product.
- She set up the meeting for next Monday.
- The chairs and tables were set up before the event started.
Show Up – Прийти або з’явитися десь.
- He showed up late to the party as usual.
- She didn’t show up for the appointment.
- Everyone was surprised when he showed up unannounced.
Turn Up – З’явитися або збільшити гучність.
- She turned up at the office unexpectedly.
- Could you turn up the heat? It’s freezing here.
- The missing keys eventually turned up in the kitchen.
Figure Out – Зрозуміти щось або вирішити проблему.
- I finally figured out how to use the new software.
- Can you figure out why the printer isn’t working?
- It took her a while to figure out the answer to the puzzle.
Опанування фразових дієслів може бути складним, але регулярна практика та їх використання в реальних ситуаціях роблять цей процес легшим. Спробуйте інтегрувати їх у свої щоденні розмови, щоб покращити свою англійську!
Story 1: Weekend Plans
This weekend, I plan to catch up on some work I’ve been putting off. My friend wanted to go hiking, but we had to call it off because of the weather forecast. Instead, I might take up baking as a new hobby—I’ve always wanted to learn how to make homemade bread!
Story 2: Office Troubles
Yesterday at work, the printer broke down right before a big meeting. I had to figure out a way to fix it quickly, but in the end, I had to put off printing the reports until the afternoon. Luckily, everything worked out, and the meeting went smoothly.
Story 3: Reunion
It was so great to catch up with my old classmates at the reunion. Some didn’t show up, but those who did were excited to reminisce. We all agreed to set up another get-together soon, so no one would miss out next time.